Federal Member for Flynn, Colin Boyce has encouraged eligible Flynn organisations to submit expressions of interest (EOIs) for the Australian Government’s 2024-25 Volunteer Grants.

Mr Boyce said there are a wide range of extraordinary volunteer organisations in the Flynn electorate and has invited them to submit an expression of interest for grants between $1,000 and $5,000.

“The Flynn electorate has men’s sheds that do a wonderful job of providing men in our community with a wide range of services, aiming to improve the health and well-being of members. Rural fire brigades that are out there focused on protecting rural Queensland, which represents 93% of the state’s land area. Community sport and active recreation clubs that play a pivotal role in making physical activity opportunities accessible to all Australians.” Mr Boyce said.

“By dedicating their time and effort to helping others, our volunteers are the backbone of society. These are Australians who are resilient, selfless, and work hard to make our community a better place to live.

“Volunteering also provides an effective pathway to get people into jobs, helps to break down the barriers of marginalisation and fosters community participation.”

Community organisations will need to apply under one or more of the following categories to be eligible for funding in the 2024-25 Volunteer Grants round:

Category 1 – Purchase communication or insurance items that will benefit any of the community organisations’ volunteers.

Category 2 – Purchase items or services for the main purpose of supporting a community organisation’s volunteers from the following cohorts:

• Children (under 18) as a means of supporting their development, or

• Adults whose volunteering activities support children’s development and wellbeing.

Category 3 – Fund volunteer-run activities within the community organisation, for the main purpose of supporting:

• Children’s (under 18) development and wellbeing, or

• Parents/carers to develop the skills necessary to ensure a child’s development.

EOIs will be accepted until COB, Friday 17th January 2025 and can be submitted via https://www.colinboyce.com.au/flynn-volunteer-grants-2024-25/

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