Drought Assistance

Many farmers and graziers and their regional communities are feeling the continual effects of the drought. My office is currently receiving many calls for help from people in need.

Although I can’t make it rain or fix individual water issues, I can point you in the right direction for help.

Drought Community Support Initiative (DCSI)
Salvation Army (for Banana Shire and North Burnett Regional Council areas)
St Vincent de Paul Society (for Western Downs Regional Council areas)
These applications are now open (26 Nov 2019) and are for the $3,000 one-off payment to help with groceries, food, medical expenses etc.
Other regional areas in Australia are also eligible, for details of your Council area please use this link to determine where you should apply.

On-farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme
In Qld, Drought Relief Assistance Scheme
This is for up to $25,000 rebate (25%) towards new purchases and installation of water infrastructure for livestock, dam desilting, drilling of new bores.

Counselling services for drought-affected communities
This includes links to the Royal Flying Doctor Service for Drought Wellbeing – especially to assist people in communities affected by drought. Links are here for the Rural Financial counselling services who may be able to assist if you require financial advice.

A new counselling service has just become available in Central Queensland – Rural Health Connect. They provide sessions with psychologists via video conferencing to reduce the current wait times and travelling for appointments.

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