Labor’s plan to break its promise to deliver legislated tax cuts will mean thousands of families across Flynn will be worse off.
This was an ironclad election promise from Anthony Albanese – but now, Labor has refused to rule out breaking this promise.
According to Australian Tax Office data,46,700 families in Flynn will benefit from legislated tax relief, rewarding their hard work and helping them to get ahead.
That means 46,700 families will lose out by Labor breaking their promise.
These are aspirational families, not high income earners. If this tax relief is repealed:
- A hairdresser earning $60K a year would lose around $400 every year;
- A teacher earning $70K a year would lose more than $620 every year;
- An executive assistant earning $80K a year would lose around $900 every year;
- A qualified diesel mechanic earning $100K a year would lose more than $1,370 every year.
Our legislated tax relief also future proofs your income. It means when your income rises over time, you won’t suddenly be pushed into a higher tax bracket.
Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor said millions of aspirational families right across the country will have thousands of dollars taken out of their pockets if Labor breaks this promise.
“Labor can’t manage money, so are preparing to break their election promise,” Mr Taylor said.
“It is clear from recent weeks that Labor wants to reverse these tax cuts. The only thing stopping them is their search for excuses.”
“When Labor struggles with money, their first instinct is to come after yours.”
Member for Flynn, Colin Boyce said the Government is hurting aspiration.
“At a time when cost of living is impacting families, Labor’s answer is to reverse tax relief that will help families and our economy,” Mr Boyce said.
“Anthony Albanese’s broken tax promise would mean 46,700 families across Flynn will be worse off.”
“Labor can’t be trusted with your money. The Federal Coalition will continue to fight for tax relief for hard-working Australians.”