
Resignation from Callide

It is no secret that I have nominated as the candidate for the LNP for the Federal seat of Flynn. The Commonwealth Constitution determines that I must resign before the election is called. This rule does not apply to someone in a mayoral position, who can simply take a leave

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Reef Legislation Reversal Bill

The Queensland Government continues to destroy the image of the Great Barrier Reef and with it, the $6 Billion tourist industry. They have spent $300 Million on misleading campaigns, blaming the $19 Billion agriculture industry that feeds Australians. My speech in Parliament (in support of reversing this Bill) highlights the

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Bridges desperately underfunded

The John Peterson Bridge over the Boyne River at Mundubbera is long overdue for replacement. The State Government has finally brought this forward in the 21/22 Budget (after it was previously announced to happen 23/24). While the Federal Government has committed $20M, the Labor State Government will contribute $5M in

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Queensland State Budget 2021/22

Last Parliament week (June 15-18) the Qld Labor Government presented their Budget for the next financial year. Unfortunately there was not too many new announcements for Callide. My Budget in Reply speech gave me the opportunity to highlight the need to replace Callide C4 coal-fired power generator with the latest

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