
Stronger Communities Grants

The LNP Federal Government has just announced $22.65 million to be distributed across Australia to support small infrastructure projects for community organizations. Each electorate has $150,000 to be distributed. Stronger Communities Grants Please contact your Federal Member as soon as possible to register your interest in these grants. Ken O’Dowd,

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Budget Reply Speech 2019

My Budget Speech for 2019, highlighting the increasing debt of the Labor Government – heading for $90 Billion, and the failing conditions of the roads and infrastructure in the Callide Electorate. If you are short on time and just want to hear about the Boyne Valley Roads, skip forward to

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Special Wildlife Reserves Bill 2018

I spoke against this Bill on 27 March 2019. Unfortunately, the Green/Labor alliance pushed this through Parliament in a similar manner to last year’s Vegetation Management Laws. The far reaching consequences of this Bill has again not been considered, including the impact on neighbours who will be affected by the

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More Grants Available

Grants can be the difference in our communities, getting the funding needed to assist with worth-while projects that can impact on our towns. We have received a few new ones, different to those that you can access from our “Callide Community” page Queensland Country Good for Good  – applications close

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Sun Safe Callide Schools

My Inaugural School Marquee Give-away has been drawn. Thank you to those Principals who responded, with some great suggestions on what I could do to help their schools. Winners of this first round were: Banana State School Chinchilla State School Gayndah State School Monto State School Moura State School Mulgildie

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