
State Election 31 Oct 2020

With the Queensland State Election quickly approaching I have sent out Postal Vote Applications to my electorate of Callide. If you have “No Junk Mail” on your box, you may not receive these. If this is the case, you can call my office on 4845 1100 and request a Postal

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Vote-Buying by the Premier

My recent Media Release was sent to our local papers to highlight the Premier’s ignorance of the Callide and Bundaberg farmers and their regional needs. The overspending on the Cross River Rail project alone could have paid for the necessary repairs to Paradise Dam. The Media Release that was sent

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Radio Interviews

After crossing the floor in Queensland’s State Parliament in August, I spent a lot of time explaining the implications of the Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Bill. Many people do not understand that this Bill is clearly not in the best interests of agriculture or mining – two of the

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Taking a Stand for Rural Queensland

Crossing the floor at Parliament is a rare occasion, but I was forced to do just that. (11 Aug 20) The vilification of Farmers and Miners, who are the heavy lifters in the Queensland economy The addition of another Government Department, for $8 million taxpayer dollars The creation of a

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Colin’s Roadside Tour 2020 – Pg 1

Visiting towns in Callide with the Marquee Mobile Office from Tuesday 9 June to Wednesday 8 July. Please phone my office for an appointment or simply drop in and say hello if you see me! I will be under the bright blue marquee in a town near you! If, for

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Colin’s Roadside Tour 2020 – Pg 2

Visiting towns in Callide with the Marquee Mobile Office from Tuesday 9 June to Wednesday 8 July. Please phone my office for an appointment or simply drop in and say hello if you see me! I will be under the bright blue marquee in a town near you! If, for

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