Pharmaceutical 60 Day Dispensing

Federal Member for Flynn, Colin Boyce has said regional Australians could be the hardest hit by the Labor government’s planned changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

“Ahead of next month’s Budget, the Federal Labor Government plans to double the amount of medicines Australians can purchase, by allowing 60-day dispensing,” Mr Boyce said.

“However, experts have warned the move, which is being described as one of the biggest shake-ups the PBS has faced, could create significant medicine shortages and delays.

“Regional, rural and remote Australians risk being impacted by the changes, which come into effect on July 1.

“There are many questions that need answering from the Government, including:

“How will they ensure that regional and rural communities are able to access the required supply of medications?

“How will they ensure that small pharmacists are able to access the required supply of medications?

“How will they ensure that medicines are not stockpiled?

“Can they guarantee that community pharmacies will not be negatively impacted or forced to close because of this announcement?

“The Albanese Government must provide a strong guarantee that this change will not harm the viability of community pharmacies and is therefore not another broken promise.

“Community pharmacists play an integral role in the provision of primary healthcare in Australia, particularly in rural and regional Australia, and we do not want to see any community pharmacies closed as a result of this government’s actions.”

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