Queensland Votes 2020
This month’s State Election will be different in many ways. Due to COVID-19 the Electoral Commission of Qld has made many more opportunities for Queenslanders to vote earlier. From the 19th of October you can pre-poll at many locations in Queensland. Saturday 31st of October 2020 is the Election Day itself. Polling booths are spread […]
Taking a Stand for Rural Queensland
Crossing the floor at Parliament is a rare occasion, but I was forced to do just that. (11 Aug 20) The vilification of Farmers and Miners, who are the heavy lifters in the Queensland economy The addition of another Government Department, for $8 million taxpayer dollars The creation of a Rehabilitation Commissioner who only answers […]
Paradise Dam demolition plans
Today Labor moved amendments allowing the immediate destruction of the Paradise Dam without requiring any of the usual approvals. Even the report into the Dam isn’t due to be tabled until next month leaving our regional communities stunned by the ramming through of this plan. This is an act of monumental Labor arrogance. After dumping […]
Environmental Protection (Great Barrier Reef Protection Measures) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019
With the Pacific Ocean currents flowing into the Great Barrier Reef, continually flushing, purifying and cleansing the water, how can the Qld Labor Government continue to sacrifice Queensland’s agricultural industry for the benefit of the South-East corner voters? My speech in Parliament against the latest round of red-tape and unnecessary regulations for farmers and graziers […]