The cost of living is the number one issue for the people of the Flynn electorate, indeed it is the number one issue for all Australians.

When Labor came to Government they promised they had all the answers to the cost of living crisis. Fifteen months in, it is clear that the Albanese Government has no plan to lower inflation or the cost of living.

Labor’s Budget failed to address the cost-of-living pressures Australian families are facing and it let the vast majority of Australians down.

The Coalition is committed to helping the people of Flynn who are suffering under Labor’s cost of living crisis. That is why we voted to establish the Select Committee on the Cost of Living to inquire into and report on the causes of cost-of-living pressures, how they are impacting Australians and develop sensible solutions to address this crisis.

The Cost-of-Living Committee has travelled around Australia, speaking to stakeholders and ordinary Australians about how Labor’s cost of living crisis is impacting them.

But the Committee wants to hear from you. You can share their story by making a submission, which can be accessed by visiting

Member for Flynn, Colin Boyce said that the cost-of-living crisis is being acutely felt by residents of the Flynn electorate.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re at the grocery checkout, paying your energy bills or your mortgage, everyone is feeling the pinch right now,” Mr Boyce said.

“Anthony Albanese promised Australians would be better off under Labor, but it’s clear that the families and small business owners of Flynn are not feeling better off.

“The only cost of living relief that helps all Australians is to get inflation down. But unfortunately, Labor has no plan to address the cost of living or to lower inflation.

“The Coalition will continue to fight for the issues that matter to ordinary Australians, like the cost of living, and hold Labor to account for the promises they made during the election.”

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